
May 9, 2012

DIY Fireplace

We have been in our new home for less than a week.  There is a wood burning fireplace in the family room.  It was dirty looking from the smoke stains.  I thought it would look really clean and fresh if it were painted white.  Went to Lowe's and got some paint for stone, a white satin.  I never like flat paint, and gloss would be too shiny.  Satin was just right!  Like the three bears and their

Do you see how the stains make the paint look dirty?

The blue is tape.  I enjoy that part of the painting, taping out the areas you don't want painted.

The white fireplace will match the wood entertainment center that our TV doesn't fit into!

The white paint really makes the beige paint look dirty!

Finished!  I think it looks great!  It was really easy, the paint didn't soak into the stone.  The paint went over the existing color so easily.  A really simple and inexpensive way to spruce up a room.

I came home from teaching a quilt class and my husband had the mantle completely decorated :)

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  1. What an improvement. It looks like you have already made your new place look like HOME. I hope the move went well.

  2. that looks really good. since you like taping so much, I will have you over for my next project because I hate it. i guess dad is turning over a new leaf with starting to decorate and everything. that was a great idea, paint does amazing things.
