
Apr 13, 2012

Row Quilt

This is the last in the three part series of block of the month classes that I took at Quilts Etc. I took this class with my daughter, Lindsay.
Each month we received enough fabric to make four 6" quilt blocks.
I wanted my quilt to be big, so every month I made 4 extra 6" blocks with fabric from my stash.

These country colors used to be my favorite for quilts until all the bright colors came on the market.  

The houses were a lot of fun to make, and I enjoyed making the tree blocks and adding them here and there, not symmetrical.  

Notice the sashing?  Horizontally there are 1" squares, and vertically there is 1 l/2" navy blue sashing. Do you remember that I said I like dark sashing because it makes the blocks "pop"?  I added the red border to accentuate the reds in the quilt.

I backed the quilt with a Thimbleberries print.  Notice how beautiful the quilting is!
I didn't have the opportunity to take another block of the month class at Quilts Etc.  because I moved to another state.  My daughter Rebecca took one of the classes a couple of years later, I would have loved to have shared that with her.
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1 comment:

  1. I love this quilt! Thanks for the inspiration Cynthia!
    Love, Marianne
