
Apr 10, 2012

Fabric Flower Tutorial

I love this fabric flower, you can use it as a pin or in your hair.
It is so easy and quick to make!
  • First you buy the fabric.  I just go to Jo Ann's and buy their cheapest costume satin or lining.  I used raw silk but the flame leaves a dark singed edge.  It is pretty, but I didn't want that look this time.
  • Cut the petal into oblong shapes, not circles.  Cut free hand and  it doesn't matter if the edges are jagged.  Cut about 12 or so petals.  I tend to cut two of each size.  Taper the sizes of the petals as you go, from big to small.  Just eyeball the sizes.

Now the fun part.....get matches or a barbeque lighter and petal by petal, run the flame around the entire edge.  When I use matches, I use one match per petal.  Be careful not to burn yourself......

 The fabric will melt and curl.

Burn the edges of all the petals.

Layer the petals, with the smallest ones on top and the largest ones on bottom.  Some people like to glue them together but I think it is so much easier to just take two stitches in the middle to secure the petals together.

I used a vintage button and sewed it in the middle, taking a few stitches with double thread.

Now you have the cutest fabric flower.  I buy pins at the craft store and stitch them to the back.  When I use them for hairbows, I buy alligator clips and hot glue them to the back.  I hope you like this fabric flower enough to make a whole garden of them!

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  1. What a fantastic tutorial. I will have to bookmark this to make for my nieces

  2. I love these flowers!! We have several colors of the satin in at the shop and I think I have a flower out of every color, or I guess I should say Shelby does. Your blog looks awesome!!

  3. I always use a candle--then I don't burn myself with a match! I have even used birthday candles before--stuck in a piece of bread or something :)

  4. Oh I love this technique for making flowers -- so very, very pretty!

  5. i have wanted an easy flower fabric to make forever and nothing appealed to me until this! thanks so much! when i figure out how to download pics i will send you one, i am a jeweler who has not conquered the photo thing, that is next and then a blog!! angi in hana

  6. Could these stand up to washing, if I sew some onto a quilt I'm making for my girls?

    1. Hi Carment, I hope you receive this message, because I don't have your email. I don't think the flowers would hold up in the wash. You could make one and pin it to an article of clothing and see how it washes before you sew a whole bunch onto the quilt:)

  7. Thank you for this tutorial. I'm looking for a way to make my own headpiece and bouquet. I'm headed to Joann's today. Can't wait!
