
Mar 29, 2012


There is a winner for the cute "girlie" sewing kit!!!

Blogger Nedra said
Nice tutorial Cynthia! What a fun little sewing kit. Thanks!

Thank you so much everyone for commenting and signing up to become followers!!!  It is uplifting to know that great people like you in "bloggy land" are reading what I write!
I did the drawing by random number generator but wasn't able to provide a visual.  I will learn how to do that later :)  Including everyone who LIKED my page, left a comment on the facebook page, left a comment on the blog post and signed up to become followers on my BLOG, there were 39 entrants.  Nedra was number 15.

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1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much Cynthia! I will love having your darling sewing kit!
