
Mar 13, 2012

A Little bit About Me

Hi, my name is Cynthia.  After 31 years of raising children, I am about to become an empty nester! My husband and I have been married for 32 years and we have six children and six grandchildren.  Our oldest 5 children are married, and our youngest son is preparing to leave for a two year mission to Porto Allegre, Brazil.
  I learned how to hand embroider in Home Economics class, in sixth grade.  My mother taught me how to sew, and I would often sew outfits for myself, pant suits (in the late 60's and early 70's), and lots of formal dresses for the school dances.  I even made some clothes for my brothers and father.  When I graduated from high school, I completed two years of pure and applied sciences which I really enjoyed.  My heart was in the arts though, and I left home to pursue Fashion Design and Merchandising in Toronto.  I learned many skills which I have used throughout my married life.  When the children were little, I didn't have much time to sew.  I would stay up very late at night, sewing Hallowe'en outfits, Easter and Christmas dresses, stuffed animals for Christmas, or anything else I could dream up.  I found it relaxing and gratifying to create and took great joy in seeing my children wear the clothes I sewed for them.  No one else ever had the same outfit.  They were some of the best dressed children at church :)
When the Dallas temple was being built, I was chosen from my ward to make tissue box covers and pin cushions.  The Stake Relief Society president taught me and some other ladies how to do heirloom sewing by machine, and we made some of the most elegant tissue box covers and pin cushions I have ever seen!
I learned how to do English Smocking, and joined the Emerald Coast Smocking Guild.  I have probably made enough smocked and heirloom clothing to fill three trunk shows!!
I made prom dresses for my teenage girls and vests and ties for my boys.  Now I am making heirloom blessing gowns for my grandchildren.  I am always sewing something for my grandchildren, clothing, toys, hairbows, etc.
I am a breast cancer survivor.  I  always wanted to quilt, so when I was recovering, my friend Nanette taught me the basic rules of quilting.  That has taken my sewing to a whole new level....Quilts, quilts, quilts!  I love them, and want to make them all. More importantly, quilting has given me many dear friends. we quilt, we eat, we talk, we share, we laugh, and sometimes we even cry, we bear each others burdens.  
Thank you to my sweet daughter who used one of her many talents to design this beautiful blog for me.  I am  going to go where "dream quilt create" takes me......I hope to emboss my name in the quilting world.

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  1. Congrats on being a breast cancer survivor! I am, too, and I, too, turned to quilting as part of my recovery. It's good thing. Continued good luck to us both and to all the many other survivors out there, too.

  2. Love ur blog and pretty quilts! Keep quilting!
