
Mar 25, 2024


I'm really enjoying this quilt along.  The speed or lack of is very doable.

We are in week 4, and I completed my houses. One of my favorite parts of quilt making is choosing the fabric colors and prints.

Hey are all my little houses, the heart of the home.

Below are all the center blocks for the log cabins, the stars, the hearts and the houses.

Tune in next week and I'll have some of the log cabin blocks made!

Mar 18, 2024

Heart of the Home quilt along


I'm sewing along with the Heart of the Home quilt along. 

I think that the quilt is so beautiful, it's designed by Sherri from

 A Quilty Life. You can find Sherri's post about the quilt along on her blog, I have it highlighted.  

Here is the schedule for the quilt along.  It's not too late to join :)

Here are the fabrics I pulled from my Quilty stash.  It felt so good to use fabric that I already have and I really like them.  Sherri used her line of fabric called "Strawberry Lemonade".  It would have been fun to have that pretty bright green, but I'm happy with what I have.
This is week 1, collecting fabric for your quilt.

Week 2 is making the star blocks, they are 4 1/2" unfinished.
I always love choosing fabric, and seeing which colors work best.  I use the clothespins with letters on them for making my pieces after they're cut.  If I don't mark them, it takes so much longer to figure out which piece is which and where it goes.  I bought them at Target for $1 or $3 each. I bought four packs :). 

Week 3 is what we're on now and it is the heart blocks.  They were very easy to make!

Next week are the house blocks and I'll see you then!

Happy Quilting!