
Jul 31, 2017

Girls Camp 2017

I spent the week before last at girls camp, with 200 young women ages 12-17, and 100 adult leaders.
They are all wonderful girls and I love getting to know them!
I teach a destiny class to six different age levels, one class at a time.
My destiny class this year, was "Be the Light".
This was my class setting that I created, in the woods.

I made all the pom poms, that took a little bit of time :)
I wanted the girls to be fed visually as well as spiritually.
I had the posters printed from this etsy shop.

These are the ladies I have a great time working with :)
Pat, me, Julie and Kate

Each day we chose a costume to wear, and we all dressed alike.
I made the tutus too!

One day, we dressed up like the three little pigs and the big bad wolf.
Well, the wolf wasn't big and bad and we weren't so little! Lol

We even have tails!
Every time I breathed, the nose would make my glasses fog up!

One day we wore beautiful princess quote shirts.
I had them printed at this etsy shop.

The best is the day we dressed as bookworms!!!
(The theme was "My Once Upon a Time")

Pat made these cute costumes!
Notice the antlers and the dark glasses for bookworms?

We slept in a yurt, which was pretty comfortable.
Our camp was in the Sierra Nevada mountains.
It was beautiful and warm in the day, but in the night and first thing in the morning, it was freezing!
These are the ladies I shared a yurt with, they are all amazing!

I wrote a bedtime story about eight little girls in a yurt.
I'm going to give it to them when we meet this week.
I gave them cutesy names and wrote a paragraph about each one of us, pretty funny!
We had someone snap this photo of us just before we left and locked up the camp.
We made enough memories to last a lifetime!

Jul 24, 2017

My quilt is loved!

I made the Farm Girl Vintage Sampler quilt for my lovely little grand daughter for her 10th birthday!
She's now in the double digits :)

This quilt took two years to make, and was difficult, with all the little pieces that make a 6" block!
I gave it to the perfect person, she really appreciates it :)
Isn't Kennedy the cutest?

A couple of days after she opened her gift, Kennedy and her sisters went to their aunt and uncle's house for a few days.
I asked Kennedy if she took her quilt with her.
She told me she didn't take it to their house because she was afraid it would get dirty.
Perfect answer!!! Lol

Kennedy is perfectly awesome!
She is kind, thoughtful, happy, funny, creative, pretty, and she's made of spice and everything nice.
She's a lot like her mother, like me, my mother and my mother's mother.
How cool to see so many generations wrapped up in one sweet little girl!

Jul 10, 2017

Farm Girl Vintage Sampler quilt finished!

It's done!!! Yay!!!
It's taken two years to finish and I love it!
I sent it to my grand daughter Kennedy,
 who will turn 10 on July 19.
A gift of love and time!

I love all 52 - 6 l/2" squares :)

 Here I am busily binding my quilt so I could put it in the mail.

If you want to see more photos of my quilt, or the corner sawtooth stars, or the machine quilting, you can type Farm Girl Vintage in the search button at the top right of my blog.
Thanks for following me!

Jul 3, 2017

Farm Girl Vintage Sampler is quilted!

I finished machine quilting Kennedy's quilt!
She doesn't know it's her quilt, I'm giving it to her for her 10th birthday, this month :)

I followed the gingham fabric, quilting along the gingham, every 3 stripes, back and forth, creating a crosshatch effect.

You can see on the mint green minky back :)
See the crosshatch design?
I outlined the starts in each corner.  

I followed Lori Kennedy's "simple flower" motif and free motion quilted the design in the center of each block.
I used the wavy stitch on my Bernina, to outline all the blocks.

I did a free motion reverse loop, on the second border, outside of the flowers.

One problem with machine quilting with my sewing machine, is that I can't get the fabric taut like you would be able to on a quilt frame or long arm machine.

I'm going to choose one of these 3 fabrics for the binding.
Can you help me choose which one to use?
Just tell me in the comment box below :)

I like this Sew Cherry yellow!

I think the pink is different, because it contrasts with the red, ever so slightly.

The blue would be pretty too :)

Thanks in advance, for helping me.
I'll post photos of the finished quilt next week!
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