
Aug 29, 2016

Super Hero Cape and Mask Tutorials

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It's my grandson's 4th birthday, and I thought he would love a super cape.
Here is the tutorial on my Pinterest board, "Stuff to make the grandkids".
These are not 2 capes.
I'm going to sew them together and the cape will be reversible.
The tutorial has a template for the Superman logo, and it's so easy!

"B" is for Benjamin.
I traced the yellow circle with a plate, and drew the "B" to go inside the circle.

Here's the Superman side of the cape.

Here's the Super Ben side of the cape.

I made a mask to match the cape, so easy again!
One side of the mask is red and the other is yellow.

Here is the tutorial for the mask, and it also includes the template.
As easy as pie, and really fast to make.
Let me know if you make some :)

Aug 22, 2016

Cozy Season Mini Quilt

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This is such a fun little mini quilt to make!
Here is the tutorial, on Lori Holt's blog.

Even though Lori has a tutorial on her blog, you still need the calendar for the cozy cottage dimensions.

I had so much fun choosing cute little squares of fabric that look like fall, and look at the tree trunk!

The flying geese over the house, they just had to be aqua!

I really enjoy machine quilting long, uneven lines on mini quilts with my walking foot.
It still takes time, but you don't have to measure and the look is organic.

I thought that this fabric from one of Lori's earlier fabric lines was perfect!  
The stripes mirrored the quilting lines.

Aug 15, 2016

Lulu quilt

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I enter contests sometimes on Instagram, and this time I won!
I won bigtime!!!
I won this pattern by Gigi's Thimble which is made with a jelly roll.
As a bonus, Stephanie @stuphfromsteph gave the generous offer of machine quilting the quilt top :)
Steph even said that she would pay for the return shipping.

I had a jelly roll I was saving for a special project.
Sew Cherry, Lori Holt's first fabric line!
It's my favorite ever!!!

I got busy cut the jelly roll up and went crazy chain piecing.

I had to take a photo of the process, the fabric is so beautiful and so colorful.

I finished sewing all my blocks, 16 of them in all.

To make sure the low volumes and bright colors were evenly placed, I took a tonal photograph.
It looks good to me :)

Here are all the blocks laid out, with the borders, before I sewed them together.
I had to add a few extra pieces, but made sure that they were all designed by Lori Holt.
I don't know if you can spot them...

Yay, I finished my quilt top, I love the explosion of color.

I can hardly wait to get my quilt in the mail.
I'll show it to you when it's quilted and bound :)

Aug 8, 2016

A View of my Sewing Room and more Quilty Fun Gifts

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Hi everyone!
I hope you're having a great summer :)
The time has been flying by for me, I've been so busy...
Here is a sneak peak into my sewing room.
Cathy, one of my IG besties, came to visit me in Northern California.
We started a sewing project together.

These are the charms I chose for my mini quilt.

 Cathy (this is her...pretty, eh?) fell in love with my Kaleidoscope mini quilt on the wall behind her.
You can find the tutorial here on my "random tutorial" board on Pinterest.

It's always fun when Cathy's around!
She flew all the way from her little Tasmanian island off the mainland of Australia, for our IG Farm Girl Vintage quilt retreat.
She was the "star" of the group :)
She then flew to Sundance, Wyoming to visit Vanessa, Bartlesville, Oklahoma to visit Joanna, then to my place and I drove her to San Francisco where we met up with Lynette from Idaho Falls.

Here is my main wall of half yards and one yards of fabric.
I have them folded over comic book cardboards, it takes up less space than folding the fabric.
The shelf with the vintage woman head planter is most of my Lori Holt fabric, and underneath to the left is my Sarah Jane fabric.
Next to Sarah Jane is my Tasha Noel collection.
I have other collections too, but they are on the opposite wall.

This is the other side of my sewing room.
My husband surprised me 2 l/2 years ago with a room remodel.
He bought me all the furniture, he has very good taste!
My sewing table is made of recycled telephone poles, and there are some holes in it that I string my sewing machine and light cords through.

These are Cathy's kaleidoscope squares before she sewed them together.
She chose an older charm pack I had, from Chez Moi, by Moda.
I made a sever cutting mistake on mine, so they are now pinwheel blocks and have been thrown in my "orphan" box.
I trimmed my blocks to 4" before I trimmed them with the kaleidoscope ruler, and it just won't work.

More quilty fun gifts!
Vanessa made me and all of her friends this adorable bag.
It's a free tutorial at the Jolly Jabber blog.
It's the Kimberly Sac pattern by Fig Tree quilts.

This is the front when the flap is lifted up.

This is the back of the bag, the fabrics are adorable!!!

Vanessa added pockets on the inside, a zipper one on one side, and two pockets on the opposite side, a very convenient feature.

Vanessa gave all of us her very special bags at retreat, each one reflects the fabric and colors that we love!

Joanna made this beautiful pincushion for me, I think it's so beautiful!
Look at all the fine, tiny handwork!

This is the back of the pincushion, darling!

This is who's visiting me this week!
Two of my darling and adorable grand daughters, Reagan and Paisley.
Reagan is 5 and will start Kindergarten in a week, and Paisley is 2 years old.

This is our son Jordan and his wife Kim and their 3 cute girls.
Taylor is 5 l/2 months and is always smiling!
I'll see you next week :)

Aug 1, 2016

Quilty Fun Gifts

There are a lot of benefits to having quilty fun friends!
They are fun, and loads of laughs, are very generous and thoughtful, and all share the same interest, stitching!
Cathy (Tazzie) made me this beautiful little embroidered mini quilt with lots of cute goodies to go with it!
The mini quilt was my birthday gift :)

Here's a close up of her beautiful embroidery :)
  I love the striped binding and the fabrics she used too!

Leanne wasn't able to come from Australia this trip, but she's planning a visit in two years.
She made me this darling fabric envelope or clutch for my birthday.
I love the Lucien fabric!!!
She quilted it herself and also included so many cute souvenirs from Australia.

Christie made me and all of her other quilty friends this pretty little zip pouch, and each one was different.
She let me choose, I just loved the pears and the text background with the pop of red on the tag and the lining.
It's all made out of Lori Holt fabric which I really love, and especially Sew Cherry :)
I keep my little and square rulers in it.

Lori taught Kristie how to perfect her appliqué, using the cozy shapes she designed.
Kristie gave me the first appliqué she did on this zip pouch, to me for my birthday :)

Lynette gave me all these beautiful gifts!
The embroidered thimble is a pin cushion :)

Here is the mini quilt Lynette made for me, it is really adorable!

Shanna and Rosanna gave everyone farm animal kitchen timers to go with our Farm Girl Vintage theme.
Very original!

Rae Ann embroidered everyone this darling duck pin cushion.
She also made some lamb ones and they were all in different colors.

My quilty friend Natalie isn't in the Instagram group, but she gave me this beautiful 2 yard piece of fabric and I'm going to use it to back my Freddy Moran quilt if I can ever get back to it!
Her packaging is so clever :)
The tag and buttons were from her grandmother's sewing stash.

Natalie's so creative, look at the cute little tag she wrote!

Cathy stitched this little bunny for me too :)

Anette gave us all these cute beehive gifts, exclusive to the state of Utah.
She and her husband had made little beehive shaped chocolates and chocolate covered cinnamon bears, they were delicious!!!

Celeste and Kayse gave us these sweet mementos from Texas.

Thimbles and Threads quilt shop hosted the retreat.
I won this, it's enough fabric to make one of Lori's 12" flower blocks.

Thimbles and Threads even gave us a gift!
One of Lori Holt's 12" design boards, a fat quarter, an awesome ruler and a name tag :)

My darling quilty friend Vanessa made this mini quilt for me!
I love it!!!
She also made me 2 large design boards, and included a Little Red Riding Hood fat quarter (she knows I have a romance with Little Red) and two frisson pens!

I am rich with my friends, especially my quilty fun ones :)
We received lots of other gifts, and a lot of candy and chocolate.
Diana and Jenn made us all Italian sodas, so fun!
You can't sew without munching, right?

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