
Jun 27, 2016

Girls Camp 2016

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Well, we survived girl's camp, and had the time of our lives!
This is our Stake Young Women presidency wearing one of our matching outfits.
The camp theme was the Olympics, Light the Fire Within :)

This is where I taught my hour long Destiny class, in the woods.
My class was "My Three white Dresses", the blessing dress, the baptism dress and the temple/wedding dress.
I made the first 2 dresses and the wedding dress is mine :)
There are six levels at camp, one for each year, and I taught each level once.
Kate and Julie taught Destiny classes and Pat taught Personal Progress.

Another one of our outfits and if you didn't guess, our country was the USA!

Here we are with the Stake Camp leaders.
We shared a yurt together and talked and giggled into the night!

These ladies are so much fun!!!
They are the ones who planned and organized the whole camp!
They are very dedicated and hard working :)

The beautiful Craft Ladies :)

Our Stake camp leaders were synchronized swimmers for the day!

Our Youth Camp Leaders, they had so much spirit!
Their countries were Italy and Jamaica.

Our fabulous cooks worked tirelessly around the clock and never ceased to amaze us with their menu that was always made from scratch!

My awesome ward!
I love the young women, they are such bright lights :)

Our wonderful bishop, ward leaders and Young Women ;)
This was the last night of camp, right before our testimony meeting.

If you can't tell, I love being with the Young Women, they are happy, exemplary Young Women!
I'm very thankful that I have the opportunity to work with them :)

Jun 20, 2016

Girls Camp

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I haven't been able to sew, all my time has been spent preparing for girl's camp!
Our girl's camp is for young women ages 12-17 years old.
There are 180 girls signed up, we go to a beautiful camp in the mountains, and have all our meals prepared for us by lovely chefs :)
Here is my gear layed out, ready to be packed!  Lol

I'm teaching a Destiny class this year, my topic is
"My Three White Dresses".
These are all the visuals for my class!
I teach it in the woods, I hope I'm able to string clothesline around some trees to hang my dresses and quilt :)
That's my wedding dress stuffed in the bin!
It's layers of lace of soft polyester lace and never seems to wrinkle.

The theme of our camp is "Light the Fire Within", the Olympics.
My three friends and I are Team USA.
Each day we'll be wearing matching outfits.
I made tutus for us to wear for one of the days, 36 yards of tulle!

This is just two of them, don't they look pretty on the red chair, with the sunlight streaming through the window?
Wish me well, I hope we don't attract any bears or other critters!

Jun 13, 2016

Cotton + Steel Sew Together Bag

I made another sew together bag, I love making them!
Why, you ask?
I love choosing the fabric from my stash!!!
This is my 7th bag, and I still haven't made one for myself :)
It's all Cotton + Steel fabric, except for the red blocks, they are from Lori Holt's Vintage Happy line.

I tried some different quilting techniques for this bag.

It's such a great feeling of satisfaction to finish one of these bags.
Let me be honest, they are difficult to make!

Did you notice that there are kitten heads on the binding?
I'm not even a cat lover, but they are adorable!

I was saving these cute lining pieces for myself, but I used them for this bag instead.
I thought they were so perfect and so interesting!

I remembered to add the cute label.
See the kitty heads? Awwww.....

 I didn't notice until I was writing this post, but the "Sacramento Railroad" is written on that #2 pencil.
That's so close to where I live!
Not to mention the cutest little pandas which I used for all 3 of the pocket linings.

For my LDS family and friends, I always add a Salt Lake temple zipper pull.

For daughters, I sew in the "PS I love you" label :)

 The Sew Together bag pattern can be found at Sew Demented.
Google it!
Have a great week :)
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Jun 6, 2016

Quilty Fun quilt finished!

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I finished my Quilty Fun quilt!
It's been finished for a long time....the quilt along began on November 2013, and I kept up with each week's block.
It took me forever to get the quilt to Cindy Paulsen, my friend and artist machine quilter.
Then it took me forever to get the quilt bound!

I love Lori Holt's designs!
The "Bee Happy" embroidery sets off the whole quilt.

I put two little girls in the doorways of the house, one of them is Little Red :)

Scrappy quilts are so colorful, isn't the scalloped inner border cute?

I made Lori's Quilty Fun Row Along quilt and gave it to one of my granddaughters for her bed.
I'm keeping this one for myself, it has all the blocks that the row along had :)

I've always loved these butterflies and the little posies.

All of the blocks in this quilt are from Lori Holt's book, Quilty Fun.
You can go to Lori's blog from my "Quilty Fun Sew Along" button to the right of my blog.
If you want to see all of my blocks in detail, type "quilty fun sew along" in the search button.