
Jul 27, 2015

Ayumi's Lunch Bag, a new use!

I made a tutorial in photos for this lunch bag here.
We also sewed this bag at a Girl's Night Out, here.
This bag was designed by Ayumi from Pink Penguin,and her tutorial can be found here.
I made this bag for my granddaughter Kennedy, who will be turning 8 years old on July 19.
The bag is intended to hold her new scriptures :)
Kennedy's favorite colors are green and blue, and she loves anything fancy!

I love this bag so much, I want to keep it!
I know Kennedy will take really good care of it and she'll also treasure it.
There are a lot of cute scripture totes available, but she asked me if I would make one for her myself :)

I chose the lining to match the outside, it's Amy Butler fabric, as well as the upper part of the bag.

The horse and lightning bug fabric are by Sarah Jane, her "Wee Wander" line.

I'm quite confident that Kennedy will like it, it's fancy!

Sometimes Kennedy may not want to use the upper drawstring part of the bag, and that would be perfectly fine....

How sweet is this little girl on her horse?
She reminds me of Kennedy and will remind her that she is capable of anything if she puts her mind to it.

I also made Kennedy a little folder to put some of her important church books in, a photo of the temple, some scripture highlighters,  a pad of paper and some gel pens.

I know that Kennedy can't join the Young Women organization until she turns 12.
The envelope fabric has the young women values which are, Faith, Divine Nature, Individual Worth, Knowledge, Choice and Accountability, Good Works, Integrity and Virtue.
You're never too young to learn uplifting values :)

Kennedy was baptized last Saturday and looked like a princess.
I will show you photos next Saturday :)

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Jul 20, 2015

Farm Girl Vintage QAL, weeks 11 and 12

Grandma's Quilt block was so much fun to make! 
I used fabric from Lori's "Aunt Millie's" line and fussy cut all the pieces. 
The outer corners are from "Vintage Happy".
Isn't it pretty?

I've been making Haystack blocks for a couple of years now.
I purchased my clear acrylic container at TJ Maxx, one of my favorite stores!
 I think it was meant to hold makeup.
 It's been perfect for my 2" blocks a
nd 11/2" strips. 
This method is called Leaders and Enders. 
When you're sewing a block, instead of cutting the thread each time you sew two pieces together, you just run two pieces of haystack block through your machine, then the block you're sewing, then the haystack block, etc.
 Not only does this allow you to sew two quilts at a time, but it also saves a lot of thread. 

I have enough Haystack blocks for the Scrappy Haystack Sampler quilt. 

Here's my haystack block. 

I would love to have a kettle this color in my kitchen :)

Finally, the Kitchen Window block, the fastest one yet! 
Did you notice how I fussy cut the window panes out of "Modern Minis"? 
This was a very simple block to sew too.  
Did I mention that I plan on making the Farm Girl Sampler quilt with these 6" blocks. 
There are 45 of them.
 Do you have the Farm a Girl Vintage book yet?
 If you don't, I suggest you jump in the bandwagon and join all the fun :)

Jul 13, 2015

Farm Girl Vintage QAL, weeks 8, 9 and 10

I love this Farmhouse block! 
I really want to make the Farmhouse Lane quilt :)

You can see other farmhouse blocks I've made here and here
This was my second attempt at the 6" farmhouse block, my first one didn't turn out. I think I got one of the measurements mixed up.
I'm trying to use my Lori Holt fabric stash for the 6" blocks.

I love my Feed and Seed block, and used all of Lori's fabric lines except for the yellow square and the red dot background.

The Fresh Pears block is one of my favorites, but this is the first time I made it.
It's really simple to make, even the 6" size.

The Furrows block was very simple to make, just 8 flying geese, all in Lori's fabrics.

Lastly, is the Gingham block. 
It's so much fun choosing the colors :) 
I watched a movie on Netflix while I cut, sewed and pressed.

Chain stitching this block was simple, I never worried about getting the squares out of order.

Red and Aqua, my favorite color combo! I wanted to make more Gingham blocks, but just didn't have the time...

Do you think my block looks like gingham?

Jul 5, 2015

Farm Girl Vintage QAL

I've been making a lot of gifts for family members who have birthdays coming up :)
I was able to squeeze in some Farm Girl Vintage sewing, even though my life has been pretty busy lately.
This is the Egg Basket Block.
I used all Lori Holt fabrics, except for the background.
I always used to "hoard" her fabric but now I'm starting to realize that I better use the fabric I love so much!

This is the Farm Flower Block, what a cute name!
I used all of Lori's fabrics again, except for the background.
My favorite part of quilting is choosing the fabric.
I find something really satisfying and rewarding about it.
Truthfully, these 6" blocks are difficult to sew.
These two aren't bad, but a lot of the blocks have such teeny weeny pieces!
I've decided to make the Farm Girl Sampler quilt, so I'm making all of the blocks in the book in a 6 l/2" size.
I'm only 3 blocks behind....

Here's my tractor block, it's 24 l/2" X 28 l/2"!
I still need to embroider the seat and the smoke.
I'm really not sure what I'm going to do with the tractor block, I don't think I want to make 266 4 l/2" pinwheels....
but then again, they are so pretty :)
Any suggestions?

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