
Dec 31, 2013

Happy New Year!

I would like to wish you all much health and happiness for 2014.
I enjoy your thoughtful comments and appreciate your interest in my love of sewing and quilting.
Thank you so much :)

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Dec 30, 2013

My New Sewing Room!

This was my Christmas present from my husband :)
He is very thoughtful and took weeks and weeks planning this.
I wasn't allowed in here for over a week.  
It wasn't so bad since I was busy preparing for a visit from my daughter and her family, although I did dream a lot of sewing.....Lol!

I should have taken photos of my room before the makeover.
I did remember to take a photo of my husband removing the little boy wallpaper border from the wall.

It was really difficult to remove too!!!

This is the furniture that was in the room(in a different house).
It was some furniture that was in my husband's office years ago before they redecorated.
We were able to buy it, and it has served me well.

This is what I saw when I opened the door, fresh paint on the walls and a beautiful work table.

Not just any table, but a gorgeous table!
It's made of recycled telephone poles and is really smooth :)

The holes are perfect for threading the cord of my sewing machine and the light that sits on the table, or any other appliance or thing that has a plug!  
Beautiful and practical.

Isn't the lamp incredible?
I've admired it at the store before and yes, the pulleys are functional!

There was never a light on the ceiling before, now there is!
A really cool one at that :)

What a neat little space, "This is the Life".
This little cabinet will hold my quilting books.
I can look over at them and be motivated and inspired :)

While I'm sitting at my beautiful new table, this is the view I have.
My husband told me that he went to so many furniture stores, looking for the right pieces.
They had to have storage and fit into the space.
The little red piece has two drawers on the top row and two cupboards with shelves on the bottom section.
The cupboards on the side both have cupboards with shelves on the bottom also.
I don't have to look sideways to watch TV (or DVD's) anymore.
Isn't that the cutest clock?
Maybe some vinyl lettering on the space above?

My husband decorated this cupboard with some of my treasures!
I think he should take up a hobby as an interior decorator :)

My daughter Lindsay decorated this cupboard :)

This is a view out the door and down the hall.
My paper doll quilt is on that wall :)

Most of my fabric is behind those closed doors :)
See the awesome red leather chair?
I'll show you a closeup, but notice the floor lamp behind it...

Look at the cute modern/vintage chair that I get to sit in while I sew!
It's really comfy :)

Did you know that red is my favorite color?
My husband does :)
It hugs me while I sit in it and it also swivels.
My husband said that I could sit there and embroider by the window in the day, and have the light of the lamp at night.
Pretty fancy!!!

On Christmas morning, my husband told me to look in my stocking.
It looked empty, but I felt inside and there was an envelope.
There was a clue and I had to search for the gift.
It said: 
"In your stocking it would not fit
so you're going to have to look for it.
Need a clue?  Here's one for you....
In a place that washes....
But has never washed.
(We [my grandchildren and I] looked in the washing machine, and then remembered that we have a full bathroom on the main floor.  The shower in that room has never been used, because there isn't a bedroom on the main floor.)
There it was, in the bathtub :)
The most beautiful sewing machine I've ever seen!!!
A Bernina 750 QE.
I'm dying to learn how to use it!
I hope you've enjoyed the tour, I'm so happy with my new sewing digs.

Thank you Ricky, I'm thrilled to death!!!
I'm definitely spoiled :)

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Dec 25, 2013

Have yourself a Merry little Christmas!

Christmas is a wonderful time of year!
It's a time to spend with family and enjoy each other's company.

Christmas is a time to reflect on what is truly important to you.

This year we are blessed to share Christmas with our daughter Lindsay, her husband Jeremy, and these four darling munchkins!
Bridger (8), Kennedy (6), Charlotte (3), and Lucy (4 months)
I am very happy ♥

We will get to skype with Elder Horst in Brazil, yippee!!!
He has 3 l/2 more months, and then he will come home :)

I will miss not seeing these little grandchildren today, but I know they will have loads of fun with their families.

Won't all of these children and their parents have a magical time on Christmas morning!

We wish you a Merry Christmas and best wishes and much happiness in the new year!

Thank you for reading my blog and being my friend :)

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Dec 23, 2013

Personal Progress Clutch Tutorial

I am serving as a Young Woman leader in our ward at The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints.
We made these clutches for the Young Women ages 12-18, to hold their books, important papers and a pen and a highlighter.
We made them out of a placemat. 
These are the measurements, you fold up the bottom half of the placemat 4 l/2" and then stitch in vertical lines.

It's difficult to see, but the lines are all stitched, and the ribbon is sewn on.

These are the books we added in the pockets, although you could add any books.
One of the leaders is going to make one for her Cub Scout, because he has books that will fit in the different pockets.
I am going to buy some scripture or value cards to insert into the 4" pocket on the right.

It's a tri fold clutch that is perfect to grab and take with you to any meeting.
All your books are in one little clutch.

We made about 25 of them and will be adding some candy canes tied into the ribbons :)

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Dec 20, 2013

Red Rose

I bought this cute doll at Home Goods, so my grand daughters can play with her when they come to visit.
She is an 18" Miss Alexander doll and I think she needs another outfit!
When I was about 9 years old, I read a certain fairy tale (don't remember which one) that had a princess named Red Rose.
For some strange reason, I wished that my parents had named me Red Rose!
It's now a family joke, so of course I named my new doll Red Rose.

I found the time to make Red Rose a cute dress.
The fabric is leftover from a skirt I helped my daughter make.

Don't you think Red Rose looks elegant in her new dress?
I really like making doll clothes :)

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Dec 18, 2013

Quilty Fun Sew Along, Week Seven

I really love these cocoa cups, they're perfect for the Christmas season!
I chose red and aqua for me because it matches my kitchen, and a soft yellow with a bunny, strawberries, cherries and polka dots, that one of my little grand daughters might like.

These cocoa cups were really fast and easy to sew :)
Can't you see whipped cream flowing over the top, with some salted caramel sauce?  

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Dec 16, 2013

Quilty Fun Sew Along, Week Five

I'm playing catch up today, but better late than never!
Week Five is flying geese, which is one of my favorite blocks.
You can follow my "Quilty Fun Sew Along" board on Pinterest, it's always up to date.
Here are my little geese coming into formation, using Lori's method of sewing flying geese.
There is a tutorial on my "Quilty Fun Sew Along" board.

My little hearts turned into flying geese.

I trimmed them all up, and they are ready to sew together.

I had some geese left over from another project so I didn't have to cut out as many, bonus!!!

Here they are, all joined and pressed!  
Now I can get to work on my little cocoa cups :)

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